What you believe you achieve

It is worth sitting down, figuring out and writing your core beliefs about yourself. It is worth knowing what you really truly believe about yourself. You will have picked up these beliefs throughout your life from childhood. There will have been experiences and events in your life that will have contributed to your beliefs. If you find that your beliefs go something like these...

1. I am unlovable

2. I am not enough

3. I am a failure

4. I don't deserves x, y, z

5. I can never do anything right

6. People always let me down

7. I don't fit in

8. I am powerless

9. I am not safe

10. I am out of control

You are going to be experiencing life through these lens and so you will meet people, have experiences and events that reinforce those beliefs. There is NO doubt about that.

Some times we don't even realize that that's the lens in which we view people and the world and we can feel angry or shamed that that is our experience. No-one ever seems to give us back the attention or love that we desire or that we feel we give out. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. An extremely painful one.

This is why the inner work is so important, Things may have happend to you and the treatment you received may have been horrendous but history does not need to continue repeating itself day in day out.

As an adult YOU get to choose to love yourself and start believing the truth about yourself. The truth is that you are as precious as the day that you were born. You are lovable and no person or event in this life can take that away from you. Your challenge is to start actively believing in yourself and doing the inner work so that you can attract experiences and relationships that you deserve and need in order to live your best life.

You are worth it